Transformer Insulation Failure

Transformer insulation is critical for maintaining electrical integrity and reliability. Two primary types of insulation used in oil-immersed transformers are solid paper insulation and transformer oil insulation. Understanding their characteristics, failure modes, and diagnostic methods is essential for ensuring transformer longevity and operational safety.

Solid Paper Insulation

Solid paper insulation is composed primarily of cellulose fibers, known for their excellent dielectric properties when properly maintained. However, over time, solid paper insulation undergoes irreversible aging, leading to degradation in both mechanical and electrical properties.

Aging Mechanisms

  • Degree of Polymerization: Initially high in new paper (around 1300), decreases with aging, affecting mechanical strength significantly when below 250.

  • Moisture Absorption: Paper's polar nature makes it prone to moisture absorption, weakening fiber interactions and reducing mechanical strength.

  • Chemical Degradation: Generates harmful by-products like furfural under aging conditions, which further degrade insulation performance.

Failure Modes

  • Mechanical Failure: Decreased tensile strength and brittleness under heat accelerate mechanical failure, leading to potential insulation breakdown.

  • Electrical Failure: Reduced breakdown voltage and increased dielectric loss due to degradation products adversely affect electrical performance.


  • Techniques: Measurement of degree of polymerization, furfural content analysis in oil, and high-performance liquid chromatography are used to assess insulation health.

  • Indicators: Increased furfural levels in transformer oil suggest solid insulation degradation, aiding in proactive maintenance.

Transformer Oil Insulation

Transformer oil serves both as an insulator and coolant, critical for maintaining electrical insulation integrity over time. However, it is susceptible to contamination and oxidation, which degrade its quality and performance.

Deterioration Mechanisms

  • Pollution: Water and impurity ingress reduce breakdown field strength and increase dielectric loss.

  • Oxidation: Oxygen, aided by catalysts like moisture and metal particles, promotes oxidation, forming sludge and acids that degrade oil quality.

Failure Modes

  • Conductive Bridges: Oxidation products and impurities form conductive paths, compromising insulation integrity and increasing risk of electrical faults.

  • Heat Dissipation: Sludge formation hinders oil's ability to dissipate heat, exacerbating insulation aging.


  • Fault Gases: Monitoring fault gases (like methane, ethane, and acetylene) provides insight into specific failure modes, aiding in targeted maintenance.

  • Analysis: Regular oil sampling and testing for acidity, sludge content, and dissolved gas analysis (DGA) help diagnose degradation and plan maintenance.

The transformer oil fault types and their corresponding fault gases summarized based on experience are shown in the table

Fault type Main gas components Minor gas components
Oil overheating CH4C2H2 H2, C2H2
Oil and paper overheating CH4, C2H4, CO, CO2 H2, C2H6
Partial discharge in oil-paper insulation H2, C2H4, C2H2, CO C2H4, CO2
Spark discharge in oil C2H2, H2  
Arc in oil and paper H2, C2H2, CO, CO2 CH4, C2H4, C2H6
Water ingress or bubbling in oil H2


Effective management of transformer insulation involves understanding the aging processes and failure modes of both solid paper and transformer oil insulation. Regular diagnostic testing and proactive maintenance based on diagnostic results are crucial to extending transformer lifespan and ensuring reliable electrical performance. By addressing these factors, utilities and industries can mitigate risks associated with transformer insulation failures, ensuring uninterrupted power supply and operational safety.

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