What inspections are required before the transformer is put into operation?

Before commissioning a transformer, thorough inspection and testing are crucial to ensure its reliability and safety during operation. The following steps and considerations are essential:

1. Inspection

During inspection, the following steps should be carried out:

  • Oil Sampling and Chromatographic Analysis: Obtain oil samples for chromatographic analysis to assess oil condition.

  • Valve Status Check: Verify that gate and butterfly valves are open and correctly positioned. Ensure oil levels in storage cabinets and bushings meet specified levels.

  • Current Transformer Wiring Check: Verify correct wiring of current transformers, ensuring no secondary coil is grounded or left open-circuited.

  • Oil Flow Relay Operation Check: Confirm reliable operation of the oil flow relay.

  • Air Insulation Distance Check: Ensure air insulation distances between bushings and ground, and between bushings of different voltage levels, comply with relevant standards.

  • Grounding System Check: Ensure proper grounding, including grounding of the oil tank and any grounding bushing leads on the iron core (clamp).

  • Protection Device and Control Circuit Check: Verify correct wiring of gas relays, pressure relief valves, oil level gauges, thermometers, and current transformers. Ensure proper operation and reliability of protection devices and circuit breakers.

  • Desiccant and Breather Check: Inspect desiccant silica gel condition, oil level, and breather functionality.

  • Cooling System and Control Box Operation Check: Verify correct and reliable operation of the cooler and control box systems.

  • Oil Circulation Direction Check: Confirm correct oil circulation direction based on the submersible oil pump's orientation.

2. Transformer Pre-Installation Testing

Before installation, perform the following tests:

  • Bushing Current Transformer Test: Measure insulation resistance of the secondary winding to ground, DC resistance of the secondary winding, conduct excitation characteristics test, and check transformer ratio and polarity.

  • Bushing Test: Measure insulation resistance of the bushing main insulation and end screen to ground. Measure dielectric loss tangent (tgδ) and capacitance value of non-porous porcelain bushings.

3. Electrical Testing After Transformer Oil Filling

After oil filling, conduct comprehensive electrical tests:

  • Measure DC resistance of winding and bushing at all tap positions.

  • Measure voltage ratio of all taps.

  • Verify transformer connection group.

  • Measure insulation resistance and absorption ratio (polarization index) of winding and bushing.

  • Measure dielectric loss tangent (tgδ) of winding and bushing.

  • Measure DC leakage current of winding and bushing.

  • Perform AC withstand voltage test of low-voltage side winding and neutral point winding on the high-voltage side.

  • Conduct partial discharge and winding deformation tests on windings and bushings.

4. Grounding Check

Ensure reliable grounding of the transformer's supply-side neutral point, especially during impact testing.

5. Protection Device Settings

Verify correct settings and synchronization sensitivity of all protection devices and circuit breakers.

6. Gas Relay

During no-load impact testing, connect the gas relay signal contact to the heavy gas action contact for the power trip circuit.

7. On-Site Storage of Transformers

Upon arrival, adhere to the following storage guidelines:

  • Check for dampness. Ensure nitrogen pressure is between 0.01-0.03 MPa and oil meets electrical strength, micro water, and tgδ requirements before injecting.

  • Store for no more than 6 months under dry air. Conduct twice-daily inspections of box pressure. Promptly address significant leaks to maintain pressure requirements.

  • Store disassembled parts (e.g., oil storage cabinets, coolers) with protection against rain, dust, dirt, and rust.

  • Store accessories (e.g., measuring instruments, displays, junction boxes) in dry, ventilated rooms post-unpacking.

By meticulously conducting these inspections and tests, the safety, reliability, and long-term performance of the transformer can be ensured before it is put into operation.

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How to measure the load loss and short-circuit impedance of a transformer?

To measure transformer load loss and short-circuit impedance, apply a rated frequency sinusoidal voltage to one winding, short-circuit the others, and correct load loss to 75°C. Use voltmeters, ammeters, and power analyzers, and calculate impedance using specific formulas. Ensure accuracy by considering instrument placement and correcting measurements as needed.

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